Network Science Certification Program Information

Site: On-Line School of Network Sciences
Course: On-Line School of Network Sciences
Book: Network Science Certification Program Information
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Date: Thursday, February 27, 2025, 7:39 PM


This booklet contains the Network Science Certification Program information.

FSR and CSR Certification Programs Overview

Hello and welcome to the Online School of Network Sciences Certification Programs Overview.

We offer two certification programs:

  • Certification for Field Service Technicians (FSR's) / Field and CO Engineers
  • Certification for Customer Service Representatives (CSR's)

Both programs are focused on skills and knowledge targeted at the Rural Broadband Service Providers.

If you are interested in the CSR certification - go here.

If you are interested in the FSR certification - please read on....

This book contains an overview of the program as well as information for students and program administrators.

The chapters containing this information are at the right of your screen in the Table of Contents block -----------------> 

You are not alone!

Here is a sample of just some of the companies that have participated in this program:


If you are curious about this program, begin by watching the video below:

If you are interested in starting this program at your company, here are the next steps:

We will do the following:


CSR Certification Information

We are proud to announce the availability of our Customer Service Certification Program beginning July, 2020!

The following is a detailed explanation regarding our CSR Certification Program, targeted to certify Customer Service Representatives that will provide the 'next level' of customer and technician interface.  We will describe how it works at the Online School of Network Sciences. You can read more at the Online School right here. If you are interested in the Field Technician and CO Technician certification program click here.

This certification program involves taking two courses:

  1. Telecom 101 Certification for CSR's
  2. Wi-Fi Certification for CSR's

The learner seeking certification is either a new or existing CSR individual, who is looking to elevate their knowledge thus enabling them to better communicate with customers and with technical staff at the Service Provider.  We like to think as a Certified CSR as an individual who can be a front line to troubleshooting and explaining services to customers, getting a better handle on the problem or issue a customer might be having, and being a vehicle for trust and customer satisfaction.

To certify, the learner must take both courses.  The courses combine video/on line learning and exercises to practice what is learned.  There are also additional references to widen the understanding and illustrate key concepts.  At the end of the each course is a certification test.  The learner must score at least 80% to pass the tests.  Videos and practice exercises can be repeated, but the certification test itself cannot.  The certification tests are time limited to 90 minutes and comprise multiple choice, matching, and true/false questions. 

Payment for certification can be done two ways: either via Paypal (you do not need a Paypal account - you can use a credit card), or by invoice.  If your company wishes to pay for multiple learners, you must contact us, as we will create a "key" for your team to access these courses, and bill you for the number of seats you require.

Telecom 101 Certification for CSR's

This course is approximately 8 hours.  Learners will have 30 days to complete the certification.

The following is a preview of the course content (this is a screen shot image):

Wi-Fi Certification for CSR's

This course is approximately 6 hours.  Learners will have 30 days to complete the certification.

The following is a preview of the course content (this is a screen shot image):

If you would like more information on this program for your company, your CSR's, please contact us or feel free to post comments and questions below.

CSR Certification Quick Start Guide

Hello and welcome to the CSR Certification Quick Start Guide.
There are two ways to take the certification:

  • Using an Enrollment Key
  • Paying via Paypal (you do not need a Paypal account)

You will find instructions below for both methods.  The primary difference comes at Step 10.


Using An Enrollment Key

If your company or manager has paid for your certification, they will have an enrollment key that they will give you.  Both certification courses require this key.

Assuming you have the key - let's get started.

Please follow these step by step instructions:

The first 6 steps are illustrated in the this video:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to
  2. Click on the Log In at the top right of your screen:

  3. If you already have a user account at the school, log in using your credentials and proceed to step 7.  If you do not have a prior user account, select Create new account.
  4. Complete the new account form and submit - write down your username and password.  Our password requirements appear to be more stringent than many, so be sure to write this information down as you may not be able to use a password you are accustomed to.
  5. You will receive an email confirming your account - however, it is our experience that some email scanners may either delay or block this email.  If you do not receive the confirmation email within 5-7 minutes, send an email to and advise what problem you are having.
  6. Once your account is confirmed, you will be logged in, or you can then log in using your authorized credentials.
  7. On the Home screen, select the “Get Certified” button on the front page in the Network Science Fundamentals Certification Programs block:
  8. Now click on 'CSR Certification Courses':
  9. On the next page, you will see two courses.  You will take both these classes:
  10. Enter either of the classes (you will have to do both).  You will be prompted for an enrollment key in either class.  This is the key your manager or company will provide you.
  11. Congratulations!  You are now successfully enrolled.  
You will have 30 days to complete each course.
You may watch videos as many times as you wish.
Good luck!  Enjoy the courses!

Please follow these step by step instructions:

The first 6 steps are illustrated in the this video:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to
  2. Click on the Log In at the top right of your screen:

  3. If you already have a user account at the school, log in using your credentials and proceed to step 7.  If you do not have a prior user account, select Create new account.
  4. Complete the new account form and submit - write down your username and password.  Our password requirements appear to be more stringent than many, so be sure to write this information down as you may not be able to use a password you are accustomed to.
  5. You will receive an email confirming your account - however, it is our experience that some email scanners may either delay or block this email.  If you do not receive the confirmation email within 5-7 minutes, send an email to and advise what problem you are having.
  6. Once your account is confirmed, you will be logged in, or you can then log in using your authorized credentials.
  7. On the Home screen, select the “Get Certified” button on the front page in the Network Science Fundamentals Certification Programs block:
  8. Now click on 'CSR Certification Courses':
  9. On the next page, you will see two courses.  You will take both these classes:
  10. Enter either of the classes (you will have to do both).  You will be prompted to either enter an enrollment key or to use Paypal.  Select the Paypal option.  YOU DO NOT NEED A PAYPAL ACCOUNT.  Follow the online screen instructions to pay with a credit card.  When done, you will be returned to the course and you will be enrolled.
  11. Congratulations!  You are now successfully enrolled.  
You will have 30 days to complete each course.
You may watch videos as many times as you wish.
Good luck!  Enjoy the courses!

One Page Certification Information Takeaway

Check out the one page Program Information sheet below (you can also download it here):

The FSR / CO Tech Network Science (NetSci) Certification Program information

The following is a detailed explanation regarding the FSR/CO Tech NetSci Certification Program, and how it works here at the Online School of Network Sciences.  

NF Badge

This is an independent certification program.  Individuals can pursue certification, and companies can provide certification access for their employees.

First, the certification program is divided into three stages, or levels:  

  • Level 1 - Network Fundamentals Track
    • Data Networking 101
    • Ethernet 101
    • IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting
    • Wireshark Fundamentals
    • Wireless 101
    • WiFi Operations
    • WiFi Configuration
    • Cellular Competition
  • Level 2 - Intermediate Networking TrackIN Badge
    • Ethernet 201 (VLAN's)
    • Layer 4 TCP and UDP
    • IPv4 Routing
    • Wireshark Troubleshooting
    • Multicast Networking
    • Quality of Service in Data Networks
    • Security in Data Networks
    • Voice over IP
    • Level 3 - Advanced Networking Track
      • Advanced Networking Technologies
      • IPv6 Addressing Fundamentals
      • IPv6 Routing and Interworking with IPv4An Badge
      • Troubleshooting Wireless Networks
      • Troubleshooting VoIP Networks

You cannot proceed to a level without completing certification on the prior level.  

Each level is comprised of a similar curriculum:

  1. You must take the Initial Network Skills Assessment (INSA) tests for the level you wish to certify in
  2. You then take the courses associated with that level (usually 8 courses)
You must either be provided with appropriate enrollment keys from your program administrator at your company, or pay online using Paypal for the program.

Example Student

Let's begin with an example student named Joe.  Joe's company has advised him that he will be using this system for Certification and that he has 60 days to accomplish the Network Fundamentals level certification. 

Joe's program administrator at his company has provided him with what she called the INSA Enrollment Key, and asked him to use this key to take the tests first.

What does Joe need to do?

He begins by creating a user account here at the Online School.  He follows the instructions provided  .

Joe then selects the Network Certification Program from the home page:

Joe is ready to take his tests! You can read more about the tests in the next section and follow more about Joe there as well.

The Initial Network Skills Assessment Tests

Contrary to all certification programs, this program requires the student to test first.

Prior to taking any of the classes, the student must take the INSA Tests associated with the level you are attempting to certify.

Usually this INSA test set is comprised of 8 tests.  The student should plan to spend at least 3 hours taking the tests.  The student will be provided your score immediately upon completing each of the tests.  This score will be recorded as their official initial test score.

Testing first allows both the student and The Online School of Network Sciences to baseline the student's knowledge level prior to certification.  

A passing grade is 80% or above.

It is possible to pass the tests without taking any classes.  If the student passes all  the INSA Tests or part of the INSA Tests for the appropriate level, the student DOES NOT need to take the course associated with the tests they passed.

That said, any test not passed, results in the student needing to take the associated self-paced course.   These courses are approximately 4-6 hours in length.  There are exercises along the way.  At the end of the course, there is another test.  If the student passes this test, they can consider that part of the certification complete.

Successfully passing ALL the INSA tests associated with both the Packet and the Wireless competencies in each of these tracks will earn the student a full Certification.  Each area has more detail on content.

Again, for any of the INSA tests that you do not pass, you must then take the appropriate NetSci course.

The INSA Tests are easily found at the bottom of the main NetSci Certification Page:

Example Student Continued

We met Joe above, and having created his new account, Joe is ready to take the INSA tests for the Level 1 - Network Fundamentals.

He selects the Network Fundamentals INSA test. 

He is prompted for an enrollment key or to pay using Paypal.  Since Joe was provided the enrollment key from his company administrator, he enters the key, and settles in to take the 8 tests.  Joe has planned to spend several hours accomplishing this.

Before he starts, he has some questions and decides to look at the FAQ's:

He is now ready and begins to take the tests in order, beginning with INSA 01.

In the middle of the tests, Joe has to take a break.  So he logs off the system, takes his break, and then comes back and logs back in.  He re-selects the NetSci Certification, then selects the INSA Test for Level 1, and continues taking his tests.  The system has recorded everything he had accomplished up to that point.

At the completion of each test Joe is provided with a score.  He has done quite well on some and not so well on others.

In the end, he is glad the testing is done, and knows his program administrator will follow up with him once the testing scores have been received.

The NetSci Courses

Each level in the NetSci Certification tracks has a set of approximately 8 courses.  These courses cover the essential learning necessary to pass that portion of the certification test.

Once you have taken the INSA tests associated with the level you are attempting to certify in, as discussed above, you may test out of certain portions of the certification.  Whichever areas of the tests you did not pass, to attain Certification at that level, you must take the associated course, and then retake a test to pass in that area.

You will likely receive confirmation from your administrator at your company which courses you need to take, and you will likely receive the necessary enrollment keys for those courses.

Once you know what courses you need to take, you will enroll in each course, one at a time.  You have 30 days to complete the course.  Plan to spend approximately 4 hours of time on each course.

The courses are in a simple layout.  Each course is arranged in sections with section numbers.  The first section will always contain the following:

  • A course introduction video
  • A PDF download of a Student Guide
  • A Class Forum

Course Videos

The course videos have the following features:

  • You can pause, start, stop, rewind any video by using the on screen controls.  
  • You can enlarge the video to full screen and back with on screen controls.
  • Once in a course you can review and replay each of the videos as many times as you need.
  • You can only watch the videos from the course, you cannot download them and watch them outside the course.

Student Guides

The Student Guides are all downloadable.  We recommend you save them to your system so you can edit and take notes on them.  If you do not know how to do this, we have provided a short tutorial.  Click on the Resources tab at the top of the screen, and select "How to take notes on our PDF's".

Class Forums

The class forums are a great place to share and exchange.  It is also a place to ask questions and read what questions have been asked by others.

Other Sections

After the common contents of Section 1, each course will differ slightly.  The sections which follow usually contain videos/lessons, with lab exercises.  Some have multiple lessons and/or multiple labs. 

Make sure you complete all videos and lab exercises.  Review exercises, and rewatch videos as needed.

Last Section

The last section of each course will have a conclusion video summarizing the key learning points followed by a test.

The test can only be taken once, and your score is your final score for that course.  This score will replace your INSA score and if you pass, count toward your certification.  You must pass all tests for all courses in each level to attain certification.


FSR / CO Tech Certification Program Student Quick Start Guide

Welcome to the FSR / CO Tech Certification Program!

Read this article to understand what you will be doing and how to navigate the online certification program.

You can print this document if you wish - in the Administration block, select Print this chapter.

Your program administrator at your company has provided you with the Enrollment Key, and has asked you to use this key to take the tests first.

Step 1:

Begin by creating a user account here at the Online School.  Follow the instructions provided  .

Step 2:

Once your account is verified, login and select the Network Certification Program from the course listings on the Home Page of the Online School:

You will be at the Certification Program page.

Read Carefully:

Contrary to all certification programs, this program requires you test first.

Prior to taking any of the classes, you must take the INSA Tests associated with the level you are attempting to certify.

Usually this INSA test set is comprised of 8 tests.  You should plan to spend at least 3 hours taking the tests.  You will be provided your score immediately upon completing each of the tests.  This score will be recorded as your official initial test score.

Testing first allows both you and us to baseline your knowledge level prior to certification.  

It is possible to pass the tests without taking any classes.  If you pass the INSA Tests or part of the INSA Tests for the appropriate level, you DO NOT need to take the course associated with that test.  

Successfully passing all the INSA tests associated with Packet and Wireless competencies in each of these tracks will earn the student a Certification.  Each area has more detail on content.

For any of the INSA tests that you do not pass, you must then take the appropriate NetSci course, and once that course is completed re-take that specific test.

The INSA Tests are easily found at the bottom of the main NetSci Page:

Step 3:

Selects the Network Fundamentals INSA test. 

You will be prompted for an enrollment key.  This is the enrollment key from your company administrator.

Enter the key, and settles in to take the 8 tests.  Plan to spend several hours accomplishing this.

Step 4:

Before you start, look at the FAQ's by clicking on the FAQ's link - you will be shown the following:

Step 6 - Starting the tests

Take the tests in order, beginning with INSA 01.

In the middle of the tests, if you want to take a break, logs off the system, take the break, and then comes back and log back in.  Re-select the NetSci Certification, then select the INSA Test for Level 1, and continue taking the tests.  The system has recorded everything you had accomplished up to that point.

At the completion of each test you will be provided with a score.  

In the end, notify your program administrator you are done, and they will follow up with you once the testing scores have been received.

Taking the NetSci Courses

Each level in the NetSci Certification tracks has a set of approximately 8 courses.  These courses cover the essential learning necessary to pass that portion of the certification test.

Once you have taken the INSA tests associated with the level you are attempting to certify in, as discussed above, you may test out of certain portions of the certification.  Whichever areas of the tests you did not pass, to attain Certification at that level, you must take the associated course, and then retake a test to pass in that area.

You will likely receive confirmation from your administrator at your company which courses you need to take, and you will likely receive the necessary enrollment keys for those courses.

Once you know what courses you need to take, you will enroll in each course, one at a time.  You have 30 days to complete the course.  Plan to spend approximately 4 hours of time on each course.

The courses are in a simple layout.  Each course is arranged in sections with section numbers.  The first section will always contain the following:

  • A course introduction video
  • A PDF download of a Student Guide
  • A Class Forum

Course Videos

The course videos have the following features:

  • You can pause, start, stop, rewind any video by using the on screen controls.  
  • You can enlarge the video to full screen and back with on screen controls.
  • Once in a course you can review and replay each of the videos as many times as you need.
  • You can only watch the videos from the course, you cannot download them and watch them outside the course.

Student Guides

The Student Guides are all downloadable.  We recommend you save them to your system so you can edit and take notes on them.  If you do not know how to do this, we have provided a short tutorial.  Click on the Resources tab at the top of the screen, and select "How to take notes on our PDF's".

Class Forums

The class forums are a great place to share and exchange.  It is also a place to ask questions and read what questions have been asked by others.

Other Sections

After the common contents of Section 1, each course will differ slightly.  The sections which follow usually contain videos/lessons, with lab exercises.  Some have multiple lessons and/or multiple labs. 

Make sure you complete all videos and lab exercises.  Review exercises, and rewatch videos as needed.

Last Section

The last section of each course will have a conclusion video summarizing the key learning points followed by a test.

The test can only be taken once, and your score is your final score for that course.  This score will replace your INSA score and if you pass, count toward your certification.  You must pass all tests for all courses in each level to attain certification.

OK - ready??  Click Here to go back to the program!

Certification Program Administrator Guide

Online School of Network Sciences – Self Certification Program – Administrators Guide

Hi Administrators!  Thanks for all you do in support of this program. 

This document will walk you through a couple of things you need to do so you can view your company employee’s within the Program.

You can print this document if you wish - in the Administration block, select Print this chapter.

Getting Started

The first thing you must do (like your team members) is create an account at the Online School.  It is free!

Here is a step-by-step process for how you create an account (if you already have an account, then all you should do is verify your account details by attempting to log in and making sure you know your user name and password; if you don’t, then create a new account):

Step 1: Open a web browser and navigate to

Step 2: At the top right of the Online School home screen - click the “log in” hyperlink:


Step 3: Now select CREATE NEW ACCOUNT on the right side of the screen:

Step 4: Fill in the next screen with your personal details (make sure your password meets the criteria).  The most difficult part here is the password.  You must meet the criteria.  You can check the unmask box to see what you are typing. 

Once complete, click the CREATE MY NEW ACCOUNT button.  We urge you to write down the username and password you created:

  • You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided on the prior screen (check your spam or junk folder)
  • Click on the link in that email to confirm your account.
  • Now, you will either be logged in or you will have to log back in with the user name and password credentials you specified.


Congratulations you have registered and logged in!  You will need to continue the process below.

What follows in this document are three important program administrator things:

  1. Accessing the Test Scores
  2. Testing possible New Hires
  3. Program Reporting Information 

Accessing Test Scores

Once you have created your user at the Online School, the next step is to enroll in the Initial Network Skills Assessment (INSA) Tests so that you can view the team member scores.

You will not actually take the tests, of course, but enrolling will allow you to become a member of your team’s group, and then to see the scores.

Step 5: Enrolling in the Test Area

Make sure you are logged into the School of Network Science as explained earlier. You should see you are logged in on the top right of the screen, and you should appear in the Online Users block. 

Step 6: Scroll down and in the Course categories, select/click the Network Science Certification Program and click on the folder:


Step 7: On the next screen select the Level 1 – Network Fundamentals – INSA Tests:


Step 8: The first time you do this, you will be prompted for an enrollment key.  This is the enrollment key your company was provided for the testing.  In future, you can skip to Step 10.


Enter the enrollment key and click “Enrol Me”.

The result of successful enrollment is the following screen:


Step 9: Advise us you are enrolled.  Send an email to

What will happen next is you will get a reply email to advise your profile has been upgraded.  Sometimes this response may take several hours, so it is OK to log out and log back in and navigate to this same place once you receive the email.

Step 10: Once you have received the email from us, you will see that your Administration Block, now has a new option in the Grades area:


Step 11: Click on the Grades item and you should get the following screen:

The default will be to show your user and you have no grades.  The drop down box on the top left is where you can select individual users on your team, or select all users to see a complete list of the test grades.

Keep in mind these are their initial test scores.

As the learners complete the training classes and retake the tests, you will only see the updates from the Excel Report we will send to you separately.


Good Luck!  We hope this helps you to access and administer the students through this self-certification process.


There is more information below on the method for testing potential new hires, and the program reports we will send you.


Using the Certification Program for Testing Possible New Hires

One of the things you can use the program for is to test new potential new hires to gauge their technical knowledge.  This applies only to the testing area.

Please follow the steps outlined below to set up and perform such testing.  Be sure not to release the enrollment key, not to reveal the username and password you will create to the potential new hire.  If they are hired, they can create an individual account at the online school later and retake the tests as an employee.

There are two options:

  • Option 1 is the new hire creates an account and you enroll them in the testing WITHOUT providing them the enrollment key.  This requires they have an email account of their own.
  • Option 2 is we create a “temporary” account that you provide the new hire with for taking the tests, and once you have the scores, we erase their test results.


Option 1

Step 1: Let’s assume we have a possible new hire named Mike Smith.  You must have Mike Smith come into the office.

Begin by having Mike go to the Online School at .

Step 2: Mike will click on the Log In on the top right of the home screen.

Step 3: Mike then selects the Create New Account button on the next screen.

Step 4: Mike creates an account at the school with a user name and password and verifies his account using whatever email he selected. 

Step 5: At this point – with Mike logged into the online school – you will take over and navigate Mike to the INSA Testing area and enroll him with your “key”. 


Once enrolled, you can turn the system back over to Mike and show them the list of tests and instruct them to take all 8 tests.

Step 6: Let’s say Mike is done.  He can log out of the system.  You can then log in, navigate to the INSA tests and view Mike’s scores.


Important Notes: If you have the potential new hire do this remotely, you must give them the key (which is bad). Also, if you tell the new hire about this process up front, there is nothing that prevents them from logging into the online school with a different email, paying the test fee, pre-taking the tests, and then showing up at your office and doing better than they should have!  Yes, it has happened.  


Option 2

Step 0:  You must contact us for Option 2 and let us know you desire to follow this process.  We will need 24 hour notice to set up the temporary account(s).  We can set up more than one.  We will provide you with the account Usernames and Passwords, and we will pre-enroll these accounts to your group in the INSA Testing area.

Step 1: Let’s assume we have a possible new hire named Mike Smith.  You can have Mike Smith come into the office or take the test remotely, but you will have contacted us to set up the temporary account(s).

Begin by having Mike go to the Online School at .

Step 2: Mike will click on the Log In on the top right of the home screen.

Step 3: You will provide Mike the temporary account information (Username and Password) to use.

Step 4: At this point – with Mike logged into the online school – you will tell Mike how to get to the INSA Testing area as the account is already enrolled in the test area and he will not be prompted for a Key.

You can show Mike the list of tests and instruct him to take all 8 tests.

Step 5: Let’s say Mike is done.  He can log out of the system.  You can then log in, navigate to the INSA tests and view Mike’s scores by looking for the temporary account username. 

It is important for you to associate that temporary account with \Mike, as we will have no way to do this.

Step 6: Once you have documented the scores, send us an email to reset that account and the scores will be reset and the account will be removed – again give us 24 hours.


Self-Certification Program Reporting and Invoicing

In this section we will show you what you can expect from us with regards to overall Self-Certification Program Reporting and Invoicing.

Because the students take an initial set of tests to possibly test out of some courses, and then replace their non-passing scores with tests from the certification courses themselves, there is no one single place at the Online School where you can view your team’s progress.

Therefore, we will send you a monthly report in the form of a PDF document that provides an ongoing update.  Here is a snapshot of such a report:


There are eight courses: DATA101, ETH101, IPv4ADDR, WIRESHARK1, WIRELESS1, WIRELESS2, WIFI1, and WIFI2.  You will see these listed as columns on the right under the heading (in blue) Network Fundamentals.

Each course has the Initial Network Skills Assessment (INSA) Test score in the first of two columns for each class (this is the grey background column for each class).  These are the scores you can view at any time when you follow the procedure detailed earlier in this document.

If the learner scores 79 or below, they must then take the class associated with that test.

If the learner scores 80 or above, then they have “passed” that class and they are not required to take the class.  Two things will be marked: first, their score is highlighted in green indicating a passing score, and second, the cell next to that passing score will be shown as a strike through:

The yellow column in each class is the class score.  If the learner has not passed the INSA test for that area, they must then enroll in the associated class.  Each month we update these scores, and if they pass the test at the end of each class, that score replaces the original test score.  In the example, the student scored a 60 on the initial test, then took the class, and scored a 100. 

As before, passing scores will be highlighted in green. 

The objective is to get all green passing status for all eight courses.  Here is an example:


Once this happens, we will highlight the student’s name is yellow, and you can issue a certificate to that student.

Certificate templates will be sent so you can generate and print your certificates.



We will update the sheet for your team on a monthly basis.  If there is little or no activity, you may not hear from us, that does not mean there has been no activity, just not enough to justify a report and invoice.

We track two things on the sheet: dates the testing was invoiced for each user, and courses invoiced for each user (each course is listed as P1, P2, P3…P8).


We hope this helps you understand the tracking spreadsheet and the process.



Certification Program Project Plan

To assist us with working with your team, we have created a project plan template.  This project plan will identify the program administrator for your team, and lay the groundwork for implementing the certification training within your organization.

Below is a screen shot of the template for the project plan:

To download a copy of this project plan document, click here.

Student Reviews of the Certification Programs - What Others are Saying

Student Comments on the CSR Certification:

"I like how the course is in sections so you're not overloaded with a ton of information all at once."

"I like how he has lots of graphics to help explain what [the instructor is] talking about"

"I like how I can go back and review the material."

"You did a great job and i have learned so much! Thank you!"

Student Comments on the FSR / CO Tech Certification:

"Superb program with a great blend of Wired and Wireless skills and knowledge.  Could not get this anywhere else."

"I like that this is all online.  The videos are short and it gives me lots of flexibility"

"Excellent quality and knowledge gain.  Better and more useful than other certification programs."

"The Wireless 101 course was very good. Avril Salter, the instructor, was easy to understand and moved through the material at a comfortable pace. She used good analogies to help understand the information and emphasized the important facts to remember at the end of each section. I also found the smaller video segments helped with holding my attention as opposed to one long video with no breaks."

"All in all, the website was easy to use. I had no trouble setting up a new account on the site and navigation was simple. Compared to other online training sites that I've used in the past, this one was great."

"This morning I finished the "Mobile Networks" course.  I do not recall my beginning score but it was not passing and I want to say was fairly low.  After completing the course I passed the review with a  score of 93.75.  I found the course to be very informative.  The woman spoke slowly and was easy to understand.  I'm not sure what the expected level of knowledge is for the participant taking this specific course but I found that occasionally acronyms were used but were never defined.  Other acronyms would be used and later defined in two or three modules but it would have been helpful to know the first time they were used what they meant.  It was helpful that the instructor drew on the slides as she spoke to further demonstrate the point she was trying to make.  She even pointed out that one module was important to the overall understanding of the course and recommended it be watched several times to ensure the information was absorbed and that there would be a much smaller chance of getting lost in later modules.  I did take her advice and watched that module three times taking additional notes each time.  It was easy to follow along and note any additional things I needed by being provided the ability to print the course and see the slides as she went through them.  Overall, I thought this was a well done course and my score increase was solely due to the modules." [we would add that there is an online Glossary for all acronyms easily accessible on the top menu]

Flipping the Certification Model

Many folks have heard about "Flipping the Classroom" (if you haven't - watch this YouTube video):

The Internet and the online learning tools are opening new doors to traditional training and teaching models.  We have leveraged these same tools and have redefined the traditional certification training model - we call it "Flipping the Certification Model".

The Traditional Certification Model

Let's start with what the traditional model is:

  • You sign up for a 5 day bootcamp course and pay between $2,500 and $3,700 dollars.
  • You travel to a city/location for a week incurring travel expenses.
  • You are out of your current job for that week and your employer must find a substitute.
  • The bootcamp includes lecture and hands-on labs to practice what you learn.
  • The last day of the course is "Testing Day" where you take the certification test.
  • You Pass/Fail.
  • You return to work certified or not certified depending on your test score.

Our Certification Model

What we have done is flipped the model to the following:

  • You pay a nominal (usually around $35) test fee and take the test online from anywhere you choose.
    • The test is organized into areas of expertise - so you may pass some areas you may not pass others
  • You then take only the training you need (each area is individually priced), again organized by area of expertise.  This saves time and cost.
    • This is done online with no travel - saving huge time and expense.
  • Each training area is comprised of video (rewindable, reviewable) and hands on labs.
  • At the end of each training area, you retake that part of the test online - no travel expense.
  • You are given reasonable time (usually 30 days) to complete this process so you can maintain your current job functions.
  • In the end, your certification is based on the better of your initial tests combined with area tests.
  • You will be either certified or not certified at the end of the courses and tests.

FSR / CO Tech Certification Program Course Outlines and Descriptions

In this chapter we have documented the course outlines and descriptions of each course in our certification program.  You will find these outlines and descriptions nested under the three certification levels as subchapters:

  • Level 1: Network Fundamentals
  • Level 2: Intermediate Networking
  • Level 3: Advanced Networking

Remember, each course within each level is approximately 4 hours of learning and hands on exercises if you were to complete each course without interruption.  However, you actually get 30 days to complete each 4 hour course. 

If you have any questions with regard to this information, simply drop us a comment or suggestion.

Level 1 - Network Fundamentals Track

Here are the course descriptions and outlines of the Network Fundamentals Certification track.

DATA101 - Data Networking 101

Course Description

This course is an introduction to Data Networking principles and concepts.  From understanding the layered model of communications and how TCP/IP fits that model, to understanding how TCP/IP packets are forwarded through the network.  These basics are essential comprehension as to how the Internet and Ethernet technologies work together.

Course Outline

Section 1: The Layered Model of Data Communications

Section 2: The TCP/IP Protocol Stack

Section 3: Destination-Based Forwarding

Section 4: Where Network Elements Get their Addresses

Section 5: Course Summary and Knowledge Assessment

ETH101 - The Basics of Ethernet

Course Description

This course is an introduction to to Ethernet principles and concepts.  From understanding the structure of Ethernet Frames, to understanding how Ethernet behaves, this course provides a solid understanding of Ethernet fundamentals.  

Course Outline

Part 1: Ethernet Introduction

Part 2: Ethernet Local Area Networks

Part 3: Ethernet Frames and Addressing

Part 4: Ethernet Hubs, Bridges and Switches

Part 5: Conclusion and Course Knowledge Assessment

IPV4ADD - IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting

Course Description

This course provides the essential knowledge and skills in handling IPv4 Addressing.  Anyone working with the Internet has to understand the IPv4 Addressing schema, and the history of addressing changes that shape the way we use IPv4 in networks.  From Classful, to Classless, Subnetting and Supernetting, the IPv4 addressing schema can be complex, but in this course we will provide you the tools and skills to quickly conquer this technology so you can put it to use in your daily activities.

Course Outline

Section 1: IPv4 Addressing Background

Section 2: Mastering the IPv4 Network Mask

Section 3: IP Subnet Addressing - Variable Length Subnet Masking

Section 4: IPv4 Addressing Operations

Section 5: Conclusion and Course Knowledge Assessment

WIRESHARK1 - Wireshark Fundamentals

Course Description

This Wireshark 101 course is a fast start to using Wireshark for packet analysis.  Basic configuration and customization of capturing, displaying and environment is covered.

Course Outline

Section 1: Introducing the Wireshark User Interface

Section 2: Using Capture and Display Filters

Section 3: Network Baselines

Section 4: Wireshark Configuration

Section 5: Command Line Functions

Section 6: Conclusion and Course Knowledge Assessment

WIRELESS1 - Wireless 101

Course Description

The concepts learned in this course provide students with a basis for understanding all wireless networks, including Wi-Fi3G and 4G mobile networks. This course describes the components of a radio and the implications of operating in difference frequency bands.

Course Outline

Section 1: Components of a Radio

Section 2: Modulation

Section 3: Antennas Basis and MIMO

Section 4: Propagation

Section 5: Explaining Decibels

Section 6: Frequency Bands 

Section 7: Interference

Section 8: Course Summary and Knowledge Assessment

WIRELESS2 - Mobile Networks

Course Description

If you are a technical person that works for a company that competes with the cellular providers, this course will help you understand the competition.  If your company provides cellular services, you will benefit from understanding those technologies.  This course takes the student through the evolution of cellular mobile networks. It covers  GSM,  GPRS,  UMTS,  HSPA+,  LTE and the latest network evolution LTE Advance. It provides students with an understanding of how the radio air interface has evolved from enabling voice calls, to supporting mobile packet data in excess of gigabits per second. This course also shows the evolution of the core network from a circuit switched network to an all IP based network.

Course Outline

Section 1: Cellular Concepts

Section 2: 2G GSM/EGPRS

Section 3: 3G UMTS/HSPA+

Section 4: 4G LTE/LTE Advanced

Section 5: Evolution to an All IP Network

Section 6: Course Summary and Knowledge Assessment

WIFI1 - How Wi-Fi Works

Course Description

This course describes how a client connects to a Wi-Fi Access Point and sends data. It discusses mechanisms for avoiding collisions in a shared spectrum, for conserving battery power of mobile devices, and for attaining data rates over 1 Gb/s. 

Course Outline

Section 1: Connecting to an Access Point

Section 2: Sending Data

Section 3: 802.11a,b,g,n,ac Physical Layers

Section 4: Course Summary and Knowledge Assessment

WIFI2 - Deploying Wi-Fi Networks

Course Description

This course focuses on the getting the Wi-Fi network up and functioning. It takes you through the key steps in planning the deployment, selecting the frequency channel, and understanding the implications of the default configuration settings. This course will use various APs to demonstrate configurable Wi-Fi features and capabilities.

Course Outline

Section 1: Pre-Deployment Considerations

Section 2: Frequency Planning

Section 3: Configuring an Access Point

Section 4: External Antennas

Section 5: Course Summary and Knowledge Assessment

Level 2 - Intermediate Networking Track

Here are the course descriptions and outlines of the Intermediate Networking Certification track.

Ethernet VLAN Networking

Course Description

This course focuses on Ethernet VLAN Concepts, VLAN Administration, Spanning Trees, and Trunking.

Course Outline

Course Description

This course focuses on Layer 4 and the two protocols of the TCP/IP suite: TCP and UDP.  In TCP we will focus on the TCP Three Way Handshake and gain a critical understanding of TCP Behavior.  We will also look at UDP and UDP Behavior.

Course Outline

Course Description

This course focuses on the functions that Routers perform in an Internet, and the protocols they use, such as OSPF and BGP, in the control plane to make Shortest Path First decisions.  

Course Outline

Course Description

Using Wireshark as a troubleshooting tool is an extremely important skill for Data Networking.  This course provides a complete initial skill set on troubleshooting Layer 1 through Layer 4 of the networking model with a focus on Ethernet and TCP/IP.

Course Outline

Course Description

Most Data Networks and Provider networks support Multicast technologies for audio and video delivery.  This course provides insight on how Multicast works in an Internet with a focus on the Multicast protocols: IGMP and PIM.

Course Outline

Course Description

This course focuses on differentiation of traffic options in a Data Network, and how that differentiation can be used to provide varying levels of performance - or Quality of Service in an Internet.  An examination of methods and procedures for classifying, policing, and queuing will be provided.

Course Outline

Course Description

This course provides the student with a solid basis on which to understand network security. It discusses network vulnerabilities, and then takes you through the key mechanisms that are used to protect our networks. Mechanisms include digital certificates, Access Control Lists (ACL's), firewalls, and 802.1X port based authentication.

Course Outline

Course Description

The course builds on the early Wi-Fi basic configuration course and discusses three advanced configuration settings; namely security, Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), and Quality of Service (QoS). This course explain how these advance features work and provide configuration labs.

Course Outline


Level 3 - Advanced Networking Track

To be added.